The Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) courses given by Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center present information and skills training needed for the management of serious cardiac emergencies and arrest in the adult patient. Small group teaching is empahsized, and use of the human patient simulator is included.
Registrants must be healthcare professional whose occupation requires managing the pediatric patient.
We offer ACLS using a hybrid learning model. The majority of the learning is a self-directed online module. The skills portion will build on core concepts based on the AHA fundamentals, followed by skills testing at the Center for Simulation & Research in the Vernon Place Building.
Note: There is no longer a distinction between the initial ACLS certification and the renewal course.
The online module instructions ACLS algorithm pocket card, and access key will be emailed to participants upon registration in the confirmation email. All pre-course work is done online through the American Heart Association website and can be accessed by logging in from any computer.
Upocoming Course:
November 29th, 2023 @ 8:00am
**Click "YES" for BLS. Otherwise you will not recieve BLS certification**